北京中医药大学东直门医院 北京 100700
强若男, 刘雁峰. 基于“寒气生浊”理论的子宫内膜异位症相关纤维化辨治思路探析[J]. 北京中医药大学学报, 2024,47(9):1185-1190.
QIANG Ruonan, LIU Yanfeng. Diagnosing and treating endometriosis-related fibrosis based on the perspective of the traditional Chinese medicine theory of " coldness produces turbid yin"[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 2024,47(9):1185-1190.
强若男, 刘雁峰. 基于“寒气生浊”理论的子宫内膜异位症相关纤维化辨治思路探析[J]. 北京中医药大学学报, 2024,47(9):1185-1190. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-2157.2024.09.001.
QIANG Ruonan, LIU Yanfeng. Diagnosing and treating endometriosis-related fibrosis based on the perspective of the traditional Chinese medicine theory of " coldness produces turbid yin"[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 2024,47(9):1185-1190. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-2157.2024.09.001.
Endometriosis is a prevalent disease in gynecology. The symptoms of endometriosis are challenging to treat
affect various organs
and persist in the body
adversely impacting patients′ quality of life. Endometriosis-related fibrosis is a primary cause of dysmenorrhea
and chronic pelvic pain
which represents the main pathological feature of endometriosis. Traditional Chinese medicine identifies blood stasis as the primary pathological basis of endometriosis
emphasizing the use of treatments to promote blood circulation and resolve stasis. The traditional Chinese medicine theory
" coldness produces turbid yin"
suggests that coldness plays a crucial role in the formation of blood stasis and damp phlegm. Coldness is harmful to yang qi
leading to the accumulation of blood stasis and damp phlegm in the body
which can cause endometriosis. Based on this theory
the etiology and pathogenesis of endometriosis were discussed in stages. " Strong coldness coagulation is blood stasis
turbidity generating abdominal masses" is the first etiological factor. The progress stage is " yang qi deficiency is difficult to resolve cold blood stasis
and fibrosis is formed over a long period". According to the pathogenesis characteristics at different stages
the treatment concept for endometriosis is warming yang to resolve turbidity and blood stasis. During the initial stage of disease treatment
the treatment principle is primarily based on dispersing cold
activating blood circulation
and removing damp phlegm and blood stasis. The primary treatment is to improve yang qi to dissipate turbidity and circulate blood
and eliminate stasis to reduce abdominal masses if endometriosis is challenging to treat over a long period. In conclusion
endometriosis can be treated when blood stasis and damp phlegm are dissipated
and endometriosis-related fibrosis can be treated to clear abdominal masses when yang qi is filling the body.
endometriosisfibrosiscoldness produces turbid yinyang deficiencycold coagulation
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